Thursday, JANUARY 16, 2025
For Directions, Parking, Address, and other Information about our MEETING LOCATION - CLICK HERE
6:30 PM - 7:00 PM: Beekeeper Helpline, Potluck SNACKS, Social, Q&A
New and Experienced beekeepers helping each other with questions, quandaries, and other beekeeping related challenges... followed by our regular meeting (see below). Virginia is not bringing snacks; however, Dennis will bring coffee (and bottled water) and Virginia will bring cups, napkins, utensils. We encourage you to bring snacks if you wish... or if you are inclined to do more you can bring a potluck dinner dish (not required), but will not go to waste. :) NOTE: some members have expressed desire to bring more than snacks. You are more than welcome to bring potluck dinner sides (pizza, main or side dish)... not mandatory, nor expected, but we will gladly accept your generosity.
7:00 PM: Business Meeting Promptly Starts
following times are approximate:
7:30 PM: Meeting Adjourns
7:30 PM - 7:40 PM: Door Prizes & Drawings
7:40 PM: Main Program:
Speaker: Angela and members (including Q&A): 30 - 45 Minutes
Members may bring items for drawings (Please do not ask or solicit items outside our club membership). We are scraping the bottom of the barrel and relying on members to come up with things on their own. WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SOLICIT (OUTSIDE OF OUR OWN MEMBERSHIP) FOR ITEMS FOR OUR CLUB DRAWINGS. Remember we will take pizza and dining coupons, coupons for services (hair cuts, manicures, whatever or members choose to contribute as a drawing item)... doesn't have to be bee related to be enjoyed by a beekeeper.
Beekeepers Q&A (6:30 PM - 7:00 PM) Questions answered and solutions offered. Q&A may be cut short or combined with other Pre-Meeting Short Workshops (or other other sharing) when available, so we can start meeting at 7:00 PM. NO WORKSHOP TONIGHT - EVENT PLANNING
Regular Business Meeting (promptly at 7:00 PM)
Call to Order
Introduction of Guests and New Members - VP Dennis Riggs
Secretary's Report (Minutes) ~ Jennafer
NOTE: Minutes are now being made available on website and also emailed out on the morning of the day of the meeting to active members (those members regularly attending 2023/24 meetings and signing in). If you don't see it in your email inbox then check your JUNK MAIL FOLDER, but no need to worry, because you will also find the minutes on our website and minutes are also accessible by cell-phone prior to the 7:00 pm meeting. WARNING: we will no longer have hard-copy (printouts) available at meeting... PLEASE READ MINUTES IN ADVANCE OF MEETING to speed things up. Handy MINUTES template for those who may be asked to take minutes in the absence of our Secretary Jennafer.. or other reasons.
Treasurer's Report ~ Presented only (no motion nor vote required on Treasurer's Report). Also the treasurer's report is available online (member login password required). Password is sent in the email blast (file: 4202eviheeB.docx) ~ Virginia
Education Committee Report: Dennis & Virginia did two presentations (honey talks and honey tastings). Crown Colony and also at Fiddlesticks
Apiary Report: - by VP Check Facebook & Website for detailed reports. Dennis can and may pull up the website to supplement his brief verbal report with photos or additional details.
Mentoring Committee Report: Check Facebook & Website for detailed reports. If anybody present that was mentored, then they may wish to tell about their experiences since they last attended a meeting. Dennis can and may pull up the website to supplement their verbal report.
Florida State Beekeepers Association Report ~
Communication Committee Report: Website, Facebook, Blog, Newsletter, etc.. Reminder that we have added a PRODUCT LINKS added due to request for an easier way to share items that Angela, Dennis, Jennafer and other members have found useful, a good buy, or was something used in one of talks or educational presentations, videos, etc. This list is occasionally updated based on what products people text, email, message or phone us asking which product... and where do I get it?
Unfinished or Old Business ~ Angela talked to FDACS about our problem regarding our soliciting donations due to incomplete application for the free license, close nominations for 2025 officers if none and reinstate current officers from 2024, set a work day in near future... hopefully January. Secure a facility for March meeting for Dr. Jamie Ellis speaker. Need a formal (yet simple) budget for 2025.
New Business ~ included in Old/Unfinished
ADJOURNMENT (followed by approx. 10-minute break for drawings; or to revisit workshop topic (if desired or applicable); and reconvening for our main presentation)
DRAWING & DOOR PRIZES ~ look at drawing and door prize items, make final donations for ticket acquisition, etc. prior to beginning the main program.
MAIN PROGRAM (Speakers, Addresses, Main Feature or Presentation) :
MAIN TOPIC: 2025 Educational Series kickoff begins with a Safety Stand Down. A moment to pause and draw attention to beekeeper safety: Smoker skills and handling “hot hives”. What contributes to hive demeanor and the beekeepers responsibility in the management of overly defensive colonies
Regular Business Meeting (promptly at 7:00 PM)
Call to Order
Introduction of Guests and New Members - VP Dennis Riggs
Secretary's Report (Minutes) ~ Jennafer
NOTE: Minutes are now being made available on website and also emailed out on the morning of the day of the meeting to active members (those members regularly attending 2023/24 meetings and signing in). If you don't see it in your email inbox then check your JUNK MAIL FOLDER, but no need to worry, because you will also find the minutes on our website and minutes are also accessible by cell-phone prior to the 7:00 pm meeting. WARNING: we will no longer have hard-copy (printouts) available at meeting... PLEASE READ MINUTES IN ADVANCE OF MEETING to speed things up. Handy MINUTES template for those who may be asked to take minutes in the absence of our Secretary Jennafer.. or other reasons.
Treasurer's Report ~ Presented only (no motion nor vote required on Treasurer's Report). Also the treasurer's report is available online (member login password required). Password is sent in the email blast (file: 4202eviheeB.docx) ~ Virginia
Education Committee Report: Dennis & Virginia did two presentations (honey talks and honey tastings). Crown Colony and also at Fiddlesticks
Apiary Report: - by VP Check Facebook & Website for detailed reports. Dennis can and may pull up the website to supplement his brief verbal report with photos or additional details.
Mentoring Committee Report: Check Facebook & Website for detailed reports. If anybody present that was mentored, then they may wish to tell about their experiences since they last attended a meeting. Dennis can and may pull up the website to supplement their verbal report.
Florida State Beekeepers Association Report ~
Communication Committee Report: Website, Facebook, Blog, Newsletter, etc.. Reminder that we have added a PRODUCT LINKS added due to request for an easier way to share items that Angela, Dennis, Jennafer and other members have found useful, a good buy, or was something used in one of talks or educational presentations, videos, etc. This list is occasionally updated based on what products people text, email, message or phone us asking which product... and where do I get it?
Unfinished or Old Business ~ Angela talked to FDACS about our problem regarding our soliciting donations due to incomplete application for the free license, close nominations for 2025 officers if none and reinstate current officers from 2024, set a work day in near future... hopefully January. Secure a facility for March meeting for Dr. Jamie Ellis speaker. Need a formal (yet simple) budget for 2025.
New Business ~ included in Old/Unfinished
ADJOURNMENT (followed by approx. 10-minute break for drawings; or to revisit workshop topic (if desired or applicable); and reconvening for our main presentation)
DRAWING & DOOR PRIZES ~ look at drawing and door prize items, make final donations for ticket acquisition, etc. prior to beginning the main program.
MAIN PROGRAM (Speakers, Addresses, Main Feature or Presentation) :
MAIN TOPIC: 2025 Educational Series kickoff begins with a Safety Stand Down. A moment to pause and draw attention to beekeeper safety: Smoker skills and handling “hot hives”. What contributes to hive demeanor and the beekeepers responsibility in the management of overly defensive colonies
P.S. Reminder: Please sign Release of Liability Statements (if you have not already done so) so we may use your pictures, etc. for brochures, educational materials, website, etc.: Virginia Riggs Special note: This is a release to allow other members to view your information (including posting of photos, etc. on website, blog, club directories, e-mail notices, etc.). Please do not abuse the membership list, it is NOT for contacting our entire membership to complain, be negative, or to criticize our club or our leadership, but is intended to be a list for contacting mentors, friends, committee members, etc.. Please do not copy e-mails to the entire list on every matter. If you do use the list for mass e-mail to entire membership, please use blind copy (B.C.C.) and other methods to protect (hide) e-mail addresses from malicious eyes.
file: 4202eviheeB.docx